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TDC adjustable dispersion compensation

[来源:]  [日期:2019-12-03]  [点击数:1954] 

TDC adjustable dispersion compensation is an electric adjustable dispersion compensation module developed by Sharetop for high-speed

transmission system,Based on the principle of temperature regulation dispersion compensation optical fiber output to achieve accurate dispersion compensation,Can be used for 10G/40G/G remote optical communication transmission system and data center interconnection,It has the features of long distance compensation, high output accuracy, low insertion loss, low phase jitter, low group delay jitter, low PDL and PMD, etc.


u1.  Low insertion loss, low polarization mode dispersion

u2.  The number of dispersion compensation is high, and thecompensation distance can reach 60 KM.

u3.  The optical path is transparent and does not change the optical signal.

u4. DWDM System Wide band dispersion compensation.

u5. It supports a unified network management platform based on the SNMP,network management methods such as CLI, Web, and NetRiver (graphicalinterface ).

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