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Sharetop take a brief look at PON transmission equipment

[来源:XYTSHARETOP]  [日期:2021-12-03]  [点击数:1720] 

1·What is PON equipment

PON is a typical passive optical fiber network, which does not contain any electronic devices or electronic power supply. ODN is composed of passive devices such as optical Splitter, without the need for valuable active electronic equipment. A passive optical network consists of an optical line terminal (OLT) installed at a central control station and a number of supporting optical network units (ONUs) installed at the user site.


2·Introduction to PON technology

PON technology (including Ethernet PON (EPON) and Gigabit PON (GPON)) is the main implementation technology to develop FTTX, which can save backbone fiber resources and network layers, and provide bidirectional high bandwidth capability under long-distance transmission conditions.

The remote management capability and passive optical distribution network structure greatly reduce o&M costs and support multiple application scenarios. However, because PON adopts point-to-multipoint topology, the location of optical splitter (i.e. the location of optical splitter) in the network is restricted by factors such as user distribution and cost, so it is more suitable for the scattered user area, and the users in each area are relatively small and dense in the user area.

There are two main PON technologies

EPON and GPON are two mainstream PON technologies. EPON has significant advantages in early commercial use, high maturity, large mass production of core chips and low equipment cost. GPON has significant advantages in terms of performance, such as higher rate and transmission efficiency, better support for TDM services, stronger OAM capabilities, and higher standardization. At present, EPON and GPON will develop together in China. EPONE started earlier than GPON and is also the mainstream technology of PON application in China. The technical competition between EPON and GPON will continue in a certain stage, and both need to be continuously developed and improved in practice. Before deploying a network, you need to evaluate the application environment, device performance, and cost.

3. Introduction to PON products








Sharetop provides PON transmission devices of various specifications and types, including OLT and ONU devices. At the same time, Sharetop is also a professional sales team and r & D team, the national recognition of high-tech enterprises, patents, trademarks, software Copyrights and other enterprise honors a total of more than 20. Main products include optical active and passive, containing 5G base station products, its OTN equipment, optical module (1.25 G / 10 G / 40 G/ 100 G / 200 G / 400 G), wavelength division multiplex, comprehensive platform, fiber amplifier, optical switch, transmission line protection device, dispersion compensator and optical transceiver......

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