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首页> Recent News >SharetopTechnology hires Professor Peng Zhengchun, an expert in the Thousand Talents Program of the college of Optoelectronics, Shenzhen University, as our chief scientist

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SharetopTechnology hires Professor Peng Zhengchun, an expert in the Thousand Talents Program of the college of Optoelectronics, Shenzhen University, as our chief scientist

[来源:Fiber Billion]  [日期:2020-09-08]  [点击数:2390] 

Recently, our company successfully hired Peng Zhengchun, a distinguished professor from the College of  Optoelectronics Engineering, Shenzhen University (Thousand Talents Program), as the technical consultant and chief scientist of ShenzhenSharetop Technology Co., Ltd. Our company will cooperate with the team of Professor Peng Zhengchun from theCollege of Optoelectronic Engineering of Shenzhen University to develop research and development projects and technical breakthroughs of coherent optical modules, and is committed to the research and development and market promotion of coherent optical modules.

Peng Zhengchun graduated from Beijing Institute of Technology with a bachelor's degree and a Ph.D. from Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States. Before returning to China, he worked in the R&D headquarters of Intel Corporation in the United States for many years. Won Intel's Outstanding Innovation Contribution Award, Technology Development Quality Award, "Scientific Chinese" Person of the Year in Electronic Engineering, China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Award and other awards. He is currently the director of the Flexible and Stretchable Optoelectronics Research Center of Shenzhen University. He is a reviewer of many international academic journals, a project reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, a project reviewer of Guangdong Science and Technology Department and Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission, and concurrently serves as the Central Committee of the Democratic League Youth committee member, member of the CPPCC Nanshan District, Shenzhen.

Professor Zhengchun Peng has published more than 60 SCI academic papers. The high-level journal papers published as the first author or corresponding author include Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, ACS Nano, Materials Horizon, Advanced Science, Sensors & Actuators, J. MEMS, etc.; More than 10 invention patents have been applied for. The Flexible and Stretchable Optoelectronics Research Center of Shenzhen University, established by Professor Peng, relies on the Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Devices and Systems of the Ministry of Education. It has 300 square meters of ultra-clean laboratories for 100- and 1,000-level devices. There are currently 7 permanent teachers, including 1 professor , 1 associate professor, 3 lecturers, 2 associate researchers, 8 post-doctoral researchers, and more than 30 doctoral and master students, forming an innovative research entity with more than 30 researchers.

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