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STICK Module Application Scenarios

[来源:Sharetop]  [日期:2020-06-23]  [点击数:2605] 

GPON STICK optical module can fully meet the requirements of carrier-grade FTTB\ FTTH\ FTTO equipment, and can be hot plugged into the SFP slot of the Layer 2 Ethernet switch, and the whole machine can be used as an ONT or even MDU, so that the whole machine can be directly When connected to a GPON optical network, the OLT at the central office only needs to register the GPON STICK optical module like a normal optical cat, and the communication device can complete the access switching from the original P2P network to the PON network. The GPON STICK optical module supports the OMCI standard and can provide up to 1.25Gbps uplink and downlink 2.5Gbps high-speed transmission rates. It can also cooperate with the communication device to support logical identification (LOID) certification, Dying Gasp, and PON link status indication. , Optical module abnormal light-off and other functions.

1,Hybrid application network upgrade.

The GPON STICK optical module can be inserted into the digital camera to become the PON upstream digital camera device; it can be inserted into the wireless router AP to form the PON upstream AP device; it can be used for the transformation of DSLAM and Ethernet switch equipment to make it equipped with PON The uplink interface is used in FTTB/N scenarios.

2,Old community network transformation.

The original network is a P2P network, and each unit corridor needs to be equipped with a Gigabit optical switch, and then divided into multiple copper wires to enter the house. When the community needs to expand capacity and speed up, if the P2P network is used, it means that more gigabit optical switches and more optical fibers need to be laid. However, after the introduction of GPON STICK to replace the Gigabit SFP optical module on the Gigabit optical switch, the Gigabit optical switch has the PON network access capability. Through the optical path aggregation of the Splitter splitter, more households can be realized The number of access but no need to re-lay the fiber.

3,Voice gateway VOIP upgrade.

If the current voice gateway VOIP equipment is to be connected to the PON network, an ONU optical cat needs to be externally provided and the ONU optical cat is independently powered, which is not conducive to system integration. If you switch to GPON STICK and insert it into the SFP slot of the voice gateway VOIP device, you can replace the external ONU optical cat, reduce operation and maintenance costs, and increase system integration.

4,Wireless base station remote network expansion.

Between the base station BBU and the three-sector antenna RRU, based on the existing P2P optical fiber network, 6 optical modules are required, and 3 optical modules each for the BBU and RRU, and at least 3 or 3 pairs of optical fibers are required. PON's point-to-multipoint P2MP technology is especially suitable for such micro-cellular base station deployment characteristics. By introducing a splitter and GPON STICK optical module in the RRU test, you can save another 2 or 2 pairs of fiber, and the saved fiber is just right Can be used for capacity expansion.

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