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Sharetop sets up backbone transmission network for a country's Telecom in Africa

[来源:Sharetop]  [日期:2019-11-21]  [点击数:2465] 

In 2018, the operator of Sharetop received the inquiry from foreign customers from the Internet. After communication, he learned that the customer was African H-state telecom company. After the establishment of contact, Sharetop began to provide customers with some single products, such as passive WDM and fiber amplifier. After several cooperation, the customer affirmed the Sharetop's strength and service quality.

In the first half of this year (2019), H state Telecom proposed to build a 600 km long link backbone transmission network. After detailed communication and in-depth understanding of customer needs, Sharetop actively provides customers with a variety of solutions. Finally, customers chose the solution of Sharetop XYT-OTN2800 networking. After selected solution, the customer starts to prepare the internal process and preparatory works, and finally decides to start the project in November 2019.

Sharetop sent professional engineers with many years of foreign project experience to H state to install and debug equipment for customers on site. After a week, we overcame many difficulties and finally completed the first phase of the project (157km) that the customer needs to deploy. The customer accepted and tested the network speed on site, which was fully qualified and highly recognized by the customer, and said that the remaining phase II project (443km) would start to purchase equipment immediately. At the same time, the customer also proposed transmission projects in other countries and said that cooperation will be expanded.

Since the launch ofXYT OTN-2800 Series in 2019,Sharetophas been widely welcomed, recognized by many customers, and gradually expanded the international market.Sharetoplooking forward to cooperating with you!

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