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Sincerely invite you to visit Sharetop Technology in OFC2018

[来源:Vera]  [日期:2018-02-23]  [点击数:3661] 
Come visit us at booth 1503, March 13-15 2018 in San Diego, California.

OFC 2018 will hold in San Diego Convention Center,many well-known manufactures of optical communication all the world will participated in this exhibition.Our company's staff also will take part in this event discussed with many industry colleagues about the frontier technology and market prospect of optical communication industry this year. 

OFC is the largest global conference and exposition for optical communications and networking professionals. For over 40 years, The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) has drawn attendees from all corners of the globe to meet and greet, teach and learn, make connections and move business forward. OFC attracts the biggest names in the field, offers key networking and partnering opportunities, and provides insights and inspiration on the major trends and technology advances affecting the industry. From technical presentations to the latest market trends and predictions, OFC is a one-stop-shop.The optical networking community seems to be embracing open source software in a big way. While industry leading conferences like OFC have always been strong advocates for interoperability and a standards-based approach to networking, this has traditionally been a hardware-focused community.

In OFC 2018,we except exhibit our optical switch and CWDM/DWDM.we also will exhibit our new type 4U wdm transmission platform.

Come visit us at booth 1503, March 13-15 2018 in San Diego, California.

  • 0755-27524940
  • 0755-27524036

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