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Celebrate Sharetop Complete 2017 OFC Conference & Exhibition

[来源:Sharetop]  [日期:2017-02-06]  [点击数:3773] 
Sharetop 2017 OFC at 21 – 23 March 2017

2017 Optical Networking and Communication Conference & Exhibition (OFC) have been held in Los Angeles Convention Center, Los Angeles, California, USA  at  21 – 23 March 2017 .   Sharetop Booth No:1436

OFC is the largest global conference and exposition for optical communications and networking professionals. For over 40 years, The Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition (OFC) has drawn attendees from all corners of the globe to meet and greet, teach and learn, make connections and move business forward. OFC attracts the biggest names in the field, offers key networking and partnering opportunities, and provides insights and inspiration on the major trends and technology advances affecting the industry. From technical presentations to the latest market trends and predictions, OFC is a one-stop-shop.The optical networking community seems to be embracing open source software in a big way. While industry leading conferences like OFC have always been strong advocates for interoperability and a standards-based approach to networking, this has traditionally been a hardware-focused community.

In the show , we have showed the composition of the WDM system . Intergated system for DWDM system and CWDM system with 4U intergated plateform .

As the pioneer of the optical communications industry, optical communication devices and equipment suppliers, Sharetop Tech "let the optic service big data" theme, Show company product from the passive device  to 100G optical module - active wavelength etc. Subsystems and other full range of products and solutions, Subsystems and other full range of products and solutions,All-round coverage of high-speed micro-device optical network, data center interoperability, FTTx triple play and other different applications.

Demonstrating the company's strong vertical integration capabilities in the field of optical communications with one-stop reliability services. Ushered in the domestic and international industry elite, visit exchanges, learn from each other, and more opportunities for cooperation!

Nice to meet you !  Booth number:1436

  • 0755-27524940
  • 0755-27524036

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