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5G Core Network/IMS Intergration

产品分类:5G Mobile Core Network

        In 2019, the state issued 5G license.

        On April 20, 2020, the scope of new infrastructure was defined for the first time, in which it was clearly proposed to accelerate the deployment of 5g network, promote the optimization and upgrading of optical fiber broadband network, and accelerate the construction of national integrated big data center.

        The two mainstream construction schemes of 5g network are SA and NSA. Among them, NSA is the transition scheme from 4G to 5G, and SA is the ultimate construction goal of 5G network.

XYT technology has been deeply engaged in the optical communication industry for 10 years, focusing on the research and development of 5g optical communication hardware and software products. In 2020, XYT 5G SA independent networking / IMS integrated network scheme was launched.

The advantages of XYT 5G core network (SA) architecture / IMS converged network are as follows:

① Virtualization deployment to improve hardware resource utilization and flexibility;

② Cloud deployment, lifting regional restrictions (5G cloud core network / cloud private network);

③ Full standard network element and interface, providing full functional features and docking with third-party equipment;

④ Support vonr HD voice;

⑤ Support custom development

⑥ Support million user capacity

⑦ Support standard x86 and pure domestic arm platform

Welcome to consult for more customized functions!

 - 产品参数 - 

  • 0755-27524940
  • 0755-27524036

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