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1G 光纤网卡


  - 产品概述 -  


该产品为千兆光纤网卡,分别有双、四、六端口。LREC9714HF-4SFP-B在基于Intell350主控方案上自主研发的一款PCI Express x4四光口千兆SFP以太网服务器适配器:该适配卡设计应用于服务器和高端设备。并且对性能进行了优化,使系统I/O不再是高端网络应用的瓶颈。该款适配卡能够通过捆绑汇聚成组实现容错,自动检测并实现将来自故障端口的通信路由至同组中其他成员继续运行以实现不间断通信。该适配卡具有集成的硬件加速功能,能够执行 TCP/UDP/P校验和分载及TCP分段任务。主机处理技术可分载加速器,释放CPU资源的占用,以腾出更多的CPU资源来处理其他应用程序。该适配卡是部署多个网络以及在高性能服务器上部署关键网络应用和环境的理想解决方案。

LREC9714HF-4SFP-B该款适配卡在光纤网络的千兆位以太网连接中配备的专用PCIExpress输入输出(1/O)带宽可保证其优越的性能,同时不会占用总线带宽。板载4个SFP插槽,可兼容各种千兆SFP模块,用户可根据实际传输距离,选用使用的千兆光纤模块,而不需要更换网卡。该款适配卡支持 PCI-SIG Single-Root 1/O virtualization and sharing specification (SR-IOV)。

  - 产品特性 -  


2、支持英特尔PRO 智能安装,以及针对 Microsoft Device Manager(设备管理器)设计的新型英特尔 PROSet,从而简化了安装与管理流程。


Sale service

Products damaged due to human or non-use of other causes of improper,we promises one year warranty and lifetime maintenance,but the unauthorized disassembly equipment caused damage is not covered under warranty and returned within range.
Under normal use,if there are product quality problems,or not work normally,we provide free repair or replacement service within one year;Within three years more than one year,we provide to collect the material cost,maintenance free.
Repair warranty period of three years from the freight borne by each of the parties.After three years of warranty,the material cost,maintenance,freight(refers to the product of the two-way shipping to and from)shall be borne by the user.
We promise that the product we provide can meet the performance requirements of users , and it is supplied by the user's sample request.

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