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OTN 在灾备部署中心的应用

为什么需要部署灾备中心? 大数据时代对企业而言,数据就是企业的生命线,如果把数据丢失,无意是走近火葬场的边缘,数据中心把数据集中处理时,需要保障业务稳定性

OTN Application in disaster recovery deployment center

OTN Application in disaster recovery deployment center Why do we need OTN depl


DWDM光模块介绍 彩光光模块有称为WDM波分光模块,WDM波分光模块又分为CWMD光模块和DWDM光模块两种。CWMD光模块波长1270~1610nm,每隔

Optical Transmission Solution for 5G Mobile Network

The "fifth-generation mobile communication" is called 5G for short. According t

TDC adjustable dispersion compensation

TDC adjustable dispersion compensation is an electric adjustable dispersio

The first World 5G conference opens to show the latest scenarios and applications

In November 20-23, the first "World 5G Conference" was held in Yizhuang. Scient