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光通信是一种以光作为信息载体的通信,然而并不是所有的光都能作为载体。不同波长的光在同一根光纤中的传输损耗是不一样的。 最早被使用的光是波长为850nm的光,主

纤亿通科技邀您参加2020 OFC光纤通信线上展览会

2020 OFC美国光纤通信展览会由美国光学学会(OSA)、美国通信学会(IEEE/ComSoc)、美国激光与光电协会(IEEE/LEOS)联合组办,是光通信

The public welfare cooperation between Sharetop and Shenzhen Training Center

Shenzhen information and communication technology (ICT) public training center

Xianyitong - Nanjing Pukou landmark industry promotion conference

On August 18, 2020 Nanjing Pukou landmark industry promotion meeting was succes

Sharetop technology's eighth anniversary

On August 30, 2020, ShenzhenSharetop technology ushered in its eighth year

Congratulations! Sharetop successfully obtained the shortlisted qualification of China Unicom as an operator, became one of China Unicom's suppliers, and reached tens of millions of cooperation projects

Relying on its strong product strength in optical communication wavelength divi

Sharetop leader were selected as iLEAP future corporate leaders training program

The iLEAP Future Business Leaders Training Program is a business leadership cou